martes, 18 de mayo de 2010


Foursquare……..what is it? Another time consuming network in the internet? What’s happening to the way people interact today? Isn’t facebook, twitter, linkedin, and a dozen other enough? Never enough!!! It's just how the world keeps on going round and round till it spins off, the digital era is just starting, 4 to 5 years ago youtube was launched and today 48 hours of video are uploaded every minute, yeap 48 hrs. per min. CRAZYYYY (I got that Carlo's blog). Oh yeah, what about blogging? Is foursquare a blog? In the past month I have learned too much about internet network tools that I am just a little confused….uhmmm….passwords….etc.

“FIND PLACES, PEOPLE, TAGS” that’s what foursquare says in one of its menus. So yes, it’s a social network to communicate with people and share information on about anything, just go to and read what people write to get an idea. “It’s one of the most successful business models in recent internet history, its one of the sites that lets users post comments of there own appreciation of all kinds of services: trips, movies, songs, and above all leisure spots,” that’s a quote from the ETC blog. Foursquare works with GPS too, you’ll know where everything that’s being talked about is, even your friends.

Where does foursquare get its money? When people start sharing info about where to go? what to do? those places/stores/webpages/cities/people are getting advertisement through foursquare, Starbucks has discounts too from foursquare. So no, I dont think its getting money right now but, its an important asset which has a potential to make a lot of money, pretty much like twitter.

We'll keep coming back!!!

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